Jadie Zimmerman

A man who has saved my bacon more than a few times was my latest coffee companion on the reconnect roadshow; Jadie Zimmerman, video editor, After Effects guru, and all-around great dude who is currently Video Editor 1 at Mighty Media Studios. Jadie and I met at Ugly Mug Cafe near Interbay where we chatted about old projects, new directions, and Jadie’s cherry red ‘69 Mustang. Here’s what I learned.

1) Versatility is vital. Agency or client-side, being able to contribute in various ways opens up creative possibilities and helps the business rev up profitability. Jadie’s can-do attitude and Swiss-army-knife skills made even our "cozy" budget videos at The Garrigan Lyman Group profitable and high quality.

2) If you're not being used to your potential, it's up to you to let the world know. We were using Jadie in a limited way before he shared what else he has in his creative toolset. Soon, we came to really on Jadie for more editorial work, advanced motion graphics, even character animation.

Among his many talents, Jadie also loves tinkering on his classic Mustang. I’m still figuring out how to deploy that skill on our next video project together. As always, it was great to see him. Thank you for everything Jadie!

#videomarketing #videoediting #motiongraphics #classiccars #gratitude


Kurt Reifschneider


Joel Ertsgaard