What I Believe
Great work is built on teamwork and guiding principles.
Here are mine.
Aim High
We all have limited time, in life and in our careers. Every project is an opportunity to do the best work of our lives and to make a mark that transforms things for the better, sometimes forever. Even on the smallest projects or in the tiniest details, let’s be excited about what we’re doing and aim for greatness. The joy is in the journey and seeing how far we can go when we aim high together.
Seek Diversity
When creative problem solving, seek out a wide range of participants and perspectives on the team. It is easy to become myopic in our own world view or creative sensibility. The perspectives of different voices, identities, genders, life experiences, and professional roles widens the lens and allows us to see more opportunities, challenge traditional approaches, and create work that resonates with a wider audience.
Think Like the Audience
A hallmark from my television days, this is now sometimes termed “customer obsessed.” The point is, if every idea and action starts with the audience/end customer in mind, it bends the arc of activity toward what audiences truly care about, rather than what you want them to care about. What is meaningful, powerful, and life-affirming for them? Start and stay focused there.
Earn Trust
So much of what we do takes courage and faith and belief in each other. On every project and campaign, there are moments of uncertainty and doubt. The glue that binds teams together is trust. It’s earned by acing your role, being honest and accountable, and acting with integrity. When I trust you and you trust me, our bond is unbreakable, and our team is undefeatable.
Learn Continuously
Change is constant, and the only way to stay ahead is to keep learning, evolving, and growing. That means being a great listener, observing what’s happening, documenting key takeaways, and adapting future actions to incorporate those learnings. It’s exciting to discover and see the world in new ways. It increases our effectiveness and unlocks opportunities. And the world gets bigger and brighter every day.
Celebrate Success
It’s easy to forget the wins and linger on the losses. So the emotional scars of disappointment should be quickly turned into learning opportunities that allow the team to feel smarter and gain confidence as they grow and forge ahead. Wins should be celebrated as an incentive to keep doing great work and a reward for a job well done. Feel those good vibes? Let’s keep doing more of that.